Plastic Yogurt Bottles, 2016
Mlekarna Celeia is the largest dairy in Slovenian ownership and a very important supplier of dairy products. Zelene doline brand is well recognized and appreciated by the consumers. The client wish is that the new plastic yoghurt will further enhance the positive perception of the brand.
Finding the limits of possible with baseline from the market research and the clear vision of the brand development. Visibility, freshness, lightness, boldness and visionary are the main characteristics of the brand. The initial concept was based on a survey of market needs and the user relation to the specific product. The main idea was creating niche users that with high-quality food upgrading their existence. Answer is the plastic bottle with elegant form that is flirting with the sports body shape. Slender hips and solid formation with extended shoulders. A healthy mind in a healthy body, which can easily cope with daily challenges and has a respectful attitude towards themself. Sovereign forma reflects the ambitions of the consumers and with its distinction stimulate consumers to purchase decision.